Grilled Ground Beef Skewers


This recipe is very flexible in terms of the herbs you can use. We like basil, marjoram, parsley, and a bit of mint, but you can use your favorites!

PRO TIP: If using wooden skewers, soak them for at least 30 minutes before forming the beef around them and grilling.

Serves: 2-4 Preparation time approximately 25 min.



  • Mix extra minced herbs with garlic, olive oil a splash of vinegar or lemon juice, salt & pepper for a quick chimichurri sauce. For a creamier sauce, add some sriracha or harissa paste to plain yogurt.


- Mince your herbs, garlic, and ginger. You can puree it in a food processor by adding just enough oil to make it come together. You can also grate your garlic and ginger on a microplane to get it ultra-fine.

- Mix together the ground beef, herbs, garlic, and ginger. Season with salt and pepper.

- Test a small piece for seasoning by cooking in a skillet.

- Form the meat mixture into a ball, then into a sausage shape, then insert the skewer into the middle

- Grill over medium-high heat, turning as needed, and cook until desired doneness. Serve warm.