Mango Chili Popsicles

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These adult popsicles will bring a tropical, vacation vibe to your next back yard gathering!

Makes: 10 popsicles Preparation time 15 min. + 4.5 hours freezing time


  • 3 cups of frozen mango chunks

  • Juice and zest from 2 limes

  • 2/3 cup of sugar

  • ¼ tsp hot chilli powder, plus extra to garnish (optional)

  • ¼  cup tequila

  • Popsicle molds & sticks


- Let the frozen mango chunks thaw at room temp for approx. 30 min. (they do not have to be fully defrosted; just softened).  Add the lime juice, zest, sugar, chili powder (if using) and tequila, and blend together in a blender or food processor until smooth and evenly combined.

- Divide the mixture between your popsicle molds. Put the molds in the freezer and chill for 30-45 mins or until just starting to freeze. Insert the popsicle sticks and leave to freeze for at least 4 hrs or until frozen solid.

- To remove the popsicles, dip the mold in hot water for a few seconds, then carefully slide out. Sprinkle each one with a little extra chili powder to serve (optional).