Welcome to "The Scoop"!

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Welcome to Pinwheel Provisions!

We are so thrilled that you’ve found us and can’t wait to meet you in person at our site. 

The first store will be located inside The Market at Liberty Place in Kennett Square. We’ll be open from 10 am until 5 pm every Saturday from September 21 through November 16.

Take a look around the website (definitely watch our videos!) to get an idea of what you’ll find at our location and what we’re all about, but we’d like to tell you a little bit about WHY we’re opening Pinwheel Provisions.

Anjali Gupta, the founder, is an avid home chef and entertainer. There’s nothing better to her than the people she loves gathered around a table full of delicious and healthy food. If her collection of cookbooks is any indication, you’d want to be one of the guests at her table!

Anjali is also a mom, a businesswoman, and a traveller. In her travels Anjali noted that frozen meal components had become staples on the dinner tables in the UK, France, Italy, Spain and Scandinavia due to their great taste, nutritional properties, convenience, and versatility.  When she compared these options to what was available to help busy people get meals on their table in the US- takeout, expensive meal kits, underwhelming prepared foods from the grocery store, etc.,- she felt we could learn from the Europeans' example. Pinwheel Provisions is inspired by trends overseas as well as Anjali's own ideas about ways in which we can make mealtime enjoyable by taking the stress out of producing great dishes.

We want you to walk into Pinwheel Provisions and see solutions. You’ll be able to solve the problems of: picky eaters, dietary allergens, fresh produce going to waste, large amounts of frozen junk wasting away for months, tons of packaging waste piling up in your home and in our landfills, and so much more.

Pinwheel Provisions allows you to get “just what you need” to create delicious and healthy meals for your friends and family, with minimal waste. Our Individually Quick Frozen (check the science here) produce, grains, and other staples will give you the flexibility you need with the portion control that makes sense, but doesn't make waste. And we don’t just mean food waste. With our high quality reusable freezer bags OR containers from your own collection, you could literally have zero waste after a trip to Pinwheel Provisions!

In addition to the frozen ingredients, we’ll have marinades, simmer sauces, spice rubs, and more in our Meal Makers department. You can elevate any meal to a more craveable level with these artisanal products from all over the world.

And if you’re really pinched on time and want someone else to do ALL the work, take a look at our chef-created Ready Dishes. These entrees, sides, and desserts just require a little heat - or in some cases just a thaw in your fridge! Easy as Ale-Infused Shepherd’s Pie to get a scrumptious gourmet meal on the table for your family and friends - and we won’t tell if you just switch it to your plates and take all the credit ;)

So, we really hope to see you at the store soon. In the meantime, we encourage you to sign up for our newsletter, below. It will be filled with recipes, serving suggestions, upcoming events and product launches, etc. We promise we won’t share your info with anyone, and we won’t spam your inbox with useless info. We just want to create a community of people who love good food and taking care of our environment. Thanks for reading, and we look forward to meeting you soon!